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American and Muslim – Inside Scoop

(Aug. 15, 2016) Catherine Read speaks with a journalist, physician, educator and lobbyist about what it means to be an American and a Muslim in today’s current political climate.

She is joined by media producer Naskah Zada of Middle East with Naskah Zada; Basim Khan, MD, the Executive Director of Neighborhood Health; Atif Qarni an 8th grade Civics teacher in Prince William County, VA; and Yasmine Taeb, a lobbyist on human rights and civil liberties at the Friends Committee on National Legislation. These four American Muslims speak to what it means to work and live in a heightened climate of Islamophobia, increased violence and the political rhetoric that is feeding this.

As the nation contemplates who will be the next President, we need to consider the impact of our national dialogue on the many and various Muslims who live in this country. It’s a conversation that colors the views of many people when addressing the global refugee crisis and the role the United States will play in assisting with resettlement. It’s a conversation we need to continue to have in a thoughtful, productive and civil way.