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Gender and Policy Center – Bonnie Stabile

(Sept 19, 2022) Catherine Read talks with Bonnie Stabile, Founder of the Gender and Policy (GAP) Center of George Mason University’s Schar School of Government & Policy.

The GAP Center was established in 2017. Areas of research include Gender, Policy Analysis, Program Evaluation, Bioethics, and Ethics in Public Policy.

Bonnie is an Associate Professor at Mason and the 2019 recipient of the Schar School of Government & Policy Teaching Award. She has co-authored the book Women, Power and Rape Culture: The Politics and Policy of Underrepresentation with Aubrey Grant. The book will be published in September 2022.

The GAP Center hosts conferences and panels throughout the year. Find upcoming events at www.genderandpolicy.gmu.edu

Past events can be found on YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/ScharSchoolofPolicyandGovernment

Follow the GAP Center on Instagram @genderandpolicycenter and find Bonnie Stabile on Twitter @bstabile1