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The Future of Women in Virginia Politics – Inside Scoop

Virginia has a weak track record in electing women to office. Women make up less than 18% of the legislature, there are no women elected to statewide office (only one has ever been elected – Mary Sue Terry in 1989 as Attorney General), and there is only one woman Representative out of 11 Congressional Districts in 2016.

The first guest is Kate Hanley, former Chair of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, former Secretary of the Commonwealth, and a principal instructor for Emerge Virginia – a candidate training program for Democratic women.

Amy Laufer is the Chair of the Charlottesville School Board and the founder of the Women Leaders of Virginia PAC that supports Democratic women running for state office with early money and fundraising support.

Delegate Jennifer Boysko was elected to office in the 86th House District in November 2015. She previously ran against the long term incumbent in 2013 narrowly losing by 32 votes. This year she ran in an open seat. She was not endorsed by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce or The Washington Post, but prevailed with nearly 60% of the votes cast.