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She Rocks the World on Your Need to Know

August 21, 2019)   Catherine Read interviews several student ambassadors from the nonprofit organization She Rocks the World. This all-female, student-led organization aims to empower teenage girls to fearlessly use their own voice in order to live their biggest lives.

In the first segment Catherine speaks with Devina Bawa and Ashwathi Mathai.  They provide a clear understanding of what the organization is all about, and why it has been instrumental in their personal growth. She Rocks the World is open to girls in grades 7-12 who are interested in exploring who they are, as well as those who are looking for ways to speak up for what they believe in.

Every month the girls schedule a meeting at a different company in the region, and use the opportunity to learn new things as well as network with female professionals. It is eye opening for the girls to meet successful professional women, and hear the stories of their life journeys.  It helps the young women understand that there are many paths, and many options, as they embark on their life.

Often times, these women have had a windy road to get them where they are.  The girls enjoy hearing about how the women found their way to their current place, and about how they have found joy and fulfillment in their careers.  This is especially true even if it may not have been a job that they considered when they were young.

Both Devina and Ashwathi truly value these networking opportunities. They have discovered at a young age that networking is an important tool for success in the world. They also note that they have met some amazing people that they continue to stay in touch with.  Many of these women are willing to be available when the girls have questions about careers, professions, college, etc.

Additionally, each meeting includes something informative to help the girls live their best lives. Whether it is a session on mindfulness, stress relief or public speaking, the goal is for participants to take something home with them that will help them grow and prosper. The organization also has a leadership council that pairs older high school girls with younger middle school girls. This is very useful because it allows the younger girls to better understand the organization’s culture, and gives them the tools that they need to succeed.