Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions

May 26, 2011 – I was determined to finish this book before I heard author Guy Kawasaki give a presentation on it this morning in Arlington, VA. And I did. The book is excellent – very engaging. Guy did a great job in pulling the main concepts from his book for his presentation. Entrepreneur magazine hosted this seminar and if you have an opportunity to hear Guy speak, take the opportunity. The book gives very practical suggestions and actionable concepts that are within anyone’s reach. It’s very motivating and . . . well, enchanting in its own right. It’s centered around the effective use of social media tools to build community and cultivate influence, although it goes well beyond that. Guy Kawasaki is clearly a master at both. I recommend the book as a good investment of time and there’s a Facebook page if you want to keep up with the buzz around the book: www.facebook.com/enchantment