The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom

Nov. 18, 2010 – A really interesting book by UVa professor Jonathan Haidt. His analogy of the elephant and rider is used throughout Chip & Dan Heath’s new book Switch. This book is also part of the culture and training used by Tony Hsieh at Zappos and referenced in his book Delivering Happiness. Not bad for…

Learned Optimism – Martin E. P. Seligman

(July 2010) – Subtitled: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life.  A great book in the “must read” category because it is so fundamental to how we perceive what happens to us, and that perception affects everything else. Dr. Seligman developed a test for measuring optimism and pessimism, and throughout his career did meticulous research…

Ripped from the Headlines – Twitter

I was still quite surprised to see it jump off the headlines of The Washington Times this morning when I stopped to get coffee: “Palin fires back at critics on Twitter.” The Times is a very conservative newspaper by Washington standards, and to have that screaming from beneath their masthead gave me a jolt. My mind registered “Twitter” but took a minute to orient where I was seeing it – in this very unexpected context.

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