The only constant is change.

Catherine launched Creative Read, Inc. in 2007 as a solo consultancy initially designed to help professionals leverage “online marketing” to grow their businesses. Then “social media” rose to predominate the marketing landscape, shape shifting as “new media” and “digital media” and all shades of gray in between. Catherine’s clients also expanded to include companies, associations, non-profits and political candidates/committees.

In 2023, Catherine begins her first two year term as Mayor of Fairfax City, Virginia.

Catherine’s previous work with human services organizations and non-profits on messaging, organizing, and legislative advocacy provides a unique foundation in beginning this new chapter in elected office.

Technology tools and online social media platforms remain central in communicating with communities that are increasingly more diverse in thought, experience and perspective. Those voices, including non-English speakers, need to be heard above the noise of the status quo. Inertia is a powerful forces and it requires tremendous effort to move forward.

Catherine has a deep and abiding love of books, ideas, interesting people, great conversations, inspiring endeavors and worthy causes. She takes photos of nearly everything because photos tell a story in a different way and there is joy in sharing them with others. She believes in the power of community and the ability of one person to make a difference.

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